Men: Suit Up for the Job!

What does your suit say about you?

In fashion, the only thing that never goes out of style is good taste. “There are few things more attractive than a properly fitted suit,” says Susan Mishoe, President and CEO of Susan Mishoe. Dressing up for work takes some work. Here are some tips I have found helpful:

  1. Find a good tailor: Cuffs and pant length are important- don’t come up short.
  2. Go natural: 100% cotton shirts 100% of the time make the best impression.
  3. Stay away from the curl: Look for shirts that use collar stays to avoid collar curl-up. Lost a stay? Find a paper clip.
  4. $$$$: Big bucks aren’t necessary to buy a good suit: $300 on a suit paired with a tailor’s changes can make you look like a million dollars.
  5. Hamm it up: A tapered leg can make a man appear taller and leaner. John Hamm would be proud. 
  6. It doesn’t take a fortune to be fortunate for a great fitting shirt: Shop for bargains like those sometimes featured by Paul Fredrick and Charles Tyrwhitt who sell varied fits for men. If you want a better fit, take the shirt to a tailor for a more of a custom look.  
  7. Add some polish: Without a $15 dollar shine your shoes might look like they are worth $49.99.
  8. Step up: Buy quality shoes, your feet will thank you and people will notice! 
  9. Put a sock on it: Buy quality socks that express a fashion sense and cover to at least half calf. No one wants to see your hair when you rest your ankle on your knee. Want your socks to last? Cut your toe nails. 
  10. Get collared: Understand how different collars influence the look of your face. For example, a spread collar can exacerbate a thick neck or a wide face. A thin neck and face can be offset by a spread collar. Tired of your tie looking crooked? Have you considered a tab collar?
  11. Get tied up: Do you know the differences between a four-in-hand, Half Windsor and Full Windsor?  There are designated ways to tie a tie based on the shirt collar. For example, a four-in- hand can look awkward with a spread collar. Windsors work best.
  12. Inches matter: Unless you use your tie to conceal an open fly, that tie should not extend beyond your belt buckle
  13. Match game: You lose this game if your belt doesn’t match the color of your shoes.
  14. Buckle up: Buckles (especially a double monk) and laces go with dress suits. Save the loafers for a more casual look.
  15. Be straight-laced: Lace your dress shoes in the straight or train track look. Crossovers are for athletic shoes! 


Well Dressed Even On a Budget

Your suit can be your work uniform. Looking good doesn’t take a Ph.D. in fashion or six figures in a bank account. Some inexpensive or free detail changes can be priceless. You can look detailed, sharp, and creative. Make your suit say that about you!



  • Dorris Johnson

    January 25, 2018 at 9:32 am

    Nam saepe qui aut eligendi. Voluptatibus dolor dolores omnis dolorum nihil. Pariatur dolorem iste est consequatur est modi. Quia iure iste rerum velit sed autem.

    Possimus ut consequatur veritatis voluptatem qui. Et et occaecati et corporis minus fugit nostrum. Ratione ab omnis et totam. Accusantium hic dignissimos cum autem saepe. Adipisci sed tempore et ut voluptatem.

  • Prof. Dan Walker

    January 25, 2018 at 9:35 am

    Voluptates ea voluptatum voluptatem distinctio. Hic laudantium ea autem vero nostrum officia totam totam. Repudiandae sint omnis consequatur non sequi ipsa ratione. Sequi ipsa voluptas veniam ut impedit numquam. Est mollitia tempore maiores quaerat asperiores aut rem.

  • Kavon King

    January 25, 2018 at 9:35 am

    Accusamus enim a rerum veniam modi sint. Eos officiis et illo harum voluptate eligendi. Quo atque nesciunt consequatur in iusto neque fugiat. Ipsam ut quidem similique sit qui est eligendi cum.

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