Counseling for Anxiety
and Stress

Anxiety is the number one reason people come to see us.

Dealing with occasional worry is a normal part of managing life. But sometimes stress surrounding financial problems, work, relationships, parenting and health can start to manage you! This becomes more than just a passing worry or fear. It doesn’t go away and can get worse if left untreated or ignored.


  • Almost 1 out of every 5 adults have an anxiety disorder
  • Anxiety disorders can be caused by genetics, brain chemistry, personality, and life’s events
  • Only 1 in 4 people with anxiety problems receive treatment instead of choosing to suffer through it without help
  • Symptoms typically begin in childhood
  • Social anxiety disorder affects 15 million adults making it difficult, clumsy, and terrifying to navigate their work world, classroom, and a gathering of people
treatment for anxiety
woman in stress getting counseling

Is my anxiety dragging me down?

Here are some signs to look out for:

  1. Difficulty controlling worry
  2. Feelings of restlessness, being on edge, or irritation
  3. Difficulty concentrating
  4. Headaches, muscle aches, stomach pain, feeling warm, or feeling your heart accelerate
  5. Difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep

If you are facing one or more of those symptoms, you may be suffering with anxiety and could benefit from counseling services.


Seeking Help for Anxiety

Anxiety can be like that bully from your childhood. It never stops talking, never stops beating you up, and never stops telling you there is something wrong with you.

Anxiety is highly treatable. But you must take the first powerful step toward working with a psychotherapist. At Prasad Counseling & Training, we offer a place to vent, a space that’s safe, and tools to help you regain control. Make courageous decisions and invest in yourself by investing in counseling.

Contact us to learn about our therapy services for stress and anxiety or other mental health issues.